FRAUD ALERT: We are aware of a scam in which fraudsters have been calling and texting our members claiming to be from SCU Credit Union. Scammers can “spoof” the name and number on a phone call or text message in the hopes that you will answer. As a reminder: SCU Credit Union will never contact you and request information like PIN, account numbers, Social Security Numbers and online banking passwords. You should not give out or confirm any of this information unless YOU initiated the phone call. Use caution if you are being pressured for information immediately or if there is a sense of urgency.

SCU Credit Union will be closed on Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents' Day. You may access your funds through ATMs, Mobile and Online Banking.

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All SCU Branch locations with power will have a delayed opening of Noon today due to the severity of the weather. Please visit our web site for updates on branch openings, as some locations may remain without power longer than anticipated.

You may access your accounts 24/7 with our Online and Mobile Banking services. If you have any questions, please call 877-661-3300 to speak with a Contact Center Representative.

Thank you for your understanding and please stay safe!

Update: As of 12:30 pm, our SCU Norwell, Myles Standish Taunton, Belmont Street Brockton and Oak Street Brockton branches have not regained power and will remain closed today. All other locations are open for business.

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