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Perspectives, Financial and Otherwise,
from SCU Credit Union

6/11/2024 | Finances

Affordable EVs are Here

Considering an electric vehicle (EV)? Explore affordable new & used EV options, federal & Massachusetts EV incentives, and cost-saving tips get you in a greener ride!

2/23/2024 | Finances

Lower Heating and Cooling Bills with a Mass Save® Heat Loan

The Mass Save® Heat Loan program presents residents with 0% interest loans, making it substantially easier to manage the upfront costs of energy-efficient upgrades. Imagine being able to enhance your home's comfort and value, all while keeping your savings intact.

2/15/2024 | Finances

Your Debit Card Earns Rewards on Every Purchase with uChoose Rewards®!

Earning points using your SCU Credit Union Debit Mastercard® is easy... and redeeming the points you earn is fun. With uChoose Rewards®, whether you're filling up the tank, making the weekly grocery run, or shopping online, every time you use your Debit Mastercard® adds valuable points.

1/19/2024 | Finances

Your Complete Guide to "Santa Shock" Budget Recovery

As the credit card bills from the holiday season begin to arrive, many of us experience a phenomenon known as "Santa shock." Its primary symptoms include the aftermath of a disorganized household and disrupted daily schedules, coupled with the looming presence of credit card statements revealing the ghosts of past purchases. Learn how to bounce back by reading our guide to Santa Shock Recovery on our latest blog post.

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11/20/2023 | Lifestyle

Black Friday Savings: 10 Tips to Maximize Your Shopping Spree

Ready to make the most of this year's Black Friday? Discover expert tips on planning, researching deals, and staying safe while scoring fantastic discounts. Don't miss out on this guide to a stress-free shopping experience.

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6/21/2023 | Lifestyle

50 Budget-Friendly Activities to Try This Summer

Summer is officially here! Here are fifty fun activities you can do to make your summer memorable without breaking your budget.

6/6/2023 | Lifestyle

Four Home Improvement Projects With High Long-Term Return

Improving your home doesn't just refresh your living space, but it can also significantly increase the value of your house. Here are some projects you can do to provide some long-term return to your property.

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2/3/2023 | Lifestyle

Six Ways to Save on Airfare

Much of the cost of an overseas trip can come from the airfare alone. Knowing where and when to look for flights can ease a lot of frustration and save you time and money, as well. 

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1/10/2023 | Lifestyle

What to Buy and What to Skip in January

The major shopping holidays may be over, but there are still great deals out there, if you know where to look! Our latest blog post covers what you should buy and what you should skip while shopping in January.

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1/5/2023 | Lifestyle

5 Workplace Resolutions for the New Year

We're officially into the new year, which means you're likely focusing on your resolution list. Our latest blog post focuses on going beyond the typical weight loss resolutions to introduce some changes into your workplace life as well.

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12/15/2022 | Lifestyle

Last-Minute Holiday Hacks

Does last-minute holiday prep have you stressed? Use the tips outlined here to enjoy a stress-free and budget-friendly pre-holiday season.

12/9/2022 | Lifestyle

What to Buy and What to Skip in December

Sure, Black Friday is over, but there are still great deals in December! From electronics to toys, we’ve got all the info you need to shop smart!

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9/8/2022 | Finances

Financial Lessons You Can Learn from Fantasy Football

Football season is almost here! If you're like many Americans, you may have a fantasy football team that you manage throughout the season. But did you know that there are many strategies that cross over from managing a fantasy football team to managing your finances? Our latest blog post features helpful tips that will keep your money growing and keep your fantasy team at the top of the standings!

7/6/2022 | Lifestyle

What to Buy and What to Skip in July

Summer time is in full swing which means retailers have some great deals for shoppers! Here is a list of what you should buy and what you should skip in the month of July.

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6/23/2022 | Lifestyle

How to Avoid Vacation Rental Scams

Vacation rentals through services like Airbnb and VRBO are becoming increasingly more popular, with the ability to rent an entire house instead of just a single hotel room. Unfortunately, there are many scams associated with vacation rentals that can put a huge damper on your travel plans. Stay vigilant by following the tips outlined here.

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6/14/2022 | Lifestyle

Five Ways to Pay it Forward

When you think about ways to pay it forward, donating to charity is likely the first thing that comes to mind, but there are so many other ways you can give back, such as volunteering, visiting a hospital, or simply acknowledging people who may not get the praise they should. Here is a list of some of the ways you can give.

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5/26/2022 | Education

Tips for Preparing a Post-College Budget

Graduating college is a major accomplishment that comes with huge life adjustments. The most important of all is setting aside a budget to pay for all of your expenses. Here are some useful tips to navigate the first steps of managing your post-college finances.

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4/7/2022 | Lifestyle

Watch out for Sport Ticket Scams

Baseball season is finally here! Don’t fall victim to a sports ticket scam when you are looking to purchase tickets online. Here are important tips to make sure you get your hands on legitimate tickets and that your credit card information stays out of the hands of scammers.

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3/22/2022 | Finances

Five Steps to Eliminating Debt

Paying off your debt can seem like an uphill battle, but by changing your mindset, the process can seem a lot less intimidating. We’ve outlined five steps you can take to eliminate your debt once and for all.

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3/10/2022 | Finances

How to Deal with Rising Gas Prices

Gas prices are at a historic high, and there's no way of knowing when they'll come back down. But we put together a list of some helpful tips to minimize the impact on your wallet!

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1/11/2022 | Finances

10 Tips for ATM Safety

Winter’s darkness provides extra opportunity for theft and fraud at ATMs. Use our list of tips to protect yourself and your money while you’re doing business at our machines!

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1/3/2022 | Lifestyle

How to Beat the Post-Holiday Blues

It’s normal to have a little letdown after the holiday whirl, but you don’t have to let it take over! Here are some simple tips to use this winter that may help lift your spirits.

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11/10/2021 | Finances

What to Expect for Holiday Shopping 2021

If you wait until Black Friday to start your holiday shopping this year, you may be out of luck. Find out why the best time to start ticking items off your list is right now!

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11/2/2021 | Lifestyle

How to Celebrate Thanksgiving During COVID-19

Will you need to cancel Thanksgiving due to COVID-19? From hosting at home to making the whole day virtual, we’ve got plenty of ideas for you!

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10/15/2021 | Lifestyle

Don’t Get Spooked By One Of These Scams This Halloween!

It’s almost Halloween, and while the spooks and scares (and candy) are tons of fun, the real-life scams that will scare you out of your money aren’t. Let us help you stay safe!

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10/4/2021 | Lifestyle

18 Ways to Celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15! There are tons of ways to do it, and we’ve got suggestions to get the party started, from making arepas to learning music!

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9/21/2021 | Finances

Needs Vs. Wants: How to Tell the Difference

When you lay out your monthly budget, one of the biggest tasks is to separate needs from wants. It can be tough for some things! Fortunately, we’ve got plenty of tips to help you.

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8/31/2021 | Lifestyle

When Should I Do It Myself and When Should I Leave it to the Pros?

Looking to do a little DIY home improvement? There are books and YouTube videos by the thousands to teach you, and SCU Credit Union might be able to help with financing. Just remember: Don’t wade into anything where you’re risking personal injury, and don’t try to take on more than you can handle.

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8/26/2021 | Finances

How to Save on Wedding Costs

When it comes to your wedding, of course you want the best of everything...but are you willing to pay for it? With some careful planning, prioritizing what’s important to you and your spouse-to-be, and by following some of the cost-cutting tips outlined here, you can have the wedding you desire and your budget, too.

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8/2/2021 | Lifestyle

7 Tips for a Budget-Friendly Road Trip

Are you ready to hit the road for vacation before summer ends? We’ve got plenty of tips to help you protect your budget from financial sunburn while still letting you plan the trip of a lifetime!

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6/21/2021 | Lifestyle

7 Apps to Download this Summer

You still want to get out and have some fun while also staying safe, right? We’ve got a suite of apps that will help whether you stay home or hit the road!

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6/3/2021 | Lifestyle

4 Vacation Scams To Watch For This Summer And How To Avoid Them

Don’t let your dream vacation become a nightmare! We’ve got helpful tips about vacation scams that could save your money and peace of mind.

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5/24/2021 | Lifestyle

Beware the USPS Smishing Text Scam

Have you heard about the smishing scam in which the scammers pose as the USPS? Just like all the rest, they’ll steal your identity and as much of your money as they can grab. 

Read on to learn more!

5/12/2021 | Lifestyle

How to Travel Safely this Summer

Are you desperate for a vacation? As long as you do some advance planning, pack your cleaning supplies and take proper precautions, you can minimize the risk.

Read on to learn more!

4/14/2021 | Lifestyle

Saving on Landscaping

Is your spring fever starting to kick in? Can you see the grass greening up and are you itching to get your hands in the dirt? We’ve got some great ways to save money this year!

Read on to learn more.

4/5/2021 | Lifestyle

Tips for Empty Nesters Downsizing

When the last kid leaves your home, you officially become an empty nester. Suddenly, you’ve got room for … well, everything! We’ve got some tips on how to handle the change.

Read on to learn more!

3/25/2021 | Finances

5 Reasons We Overspend (and How to Overcome Them)

It’s happened to all of us: We get into a shopping frenzy for one reason or another and the next thing we know, our budget is blown. Why do we overspend, and how can we fight the urge?

Read on to learn what you do can help you fight the urge.

2/18/2021 | Lifestyle

7 Ways to De-Stress for Less

Looking to beat the winter blues? You don’t have to spend a dime! We have seven ideas of how to get rid of stress without spending a lot of money.

Read on to beat the blues this winter with our helpful hacks!

5/24/2019 | Education

8 Ways to Spot a Home Improvement Scam

If springtime has you wanting to spruce up your home, beware of home repair scams! The scammers will take your money then do shoddy work, leave the work unfinished or simply never show up at all.

Read on to learn how you can avoid being a victim and spot a scammer right way!

5/24/2019 | Education

7 Ways to Avoid Getting Scammed on Craigslist

Almost always, spring cleaning means extra stuff to sell, and whether you’re looking for bargains or looking to sell, Craigslist is likely to factor into your plans. Just be sure you don’t get scammed! Be sure you know what CL does and doesn’t do. (Tip: It does NOT offer buyer protection. That’s a scam.)

Read more to keep yourself protected!

5/23/2019 | Finances

Features You Should Look for in a New Car

Picking out the features you want in a new car can be like picking items off a menu … you want a bit of everything! Fortunately, we’ve gone through the most popular ones to help you pick the most important ones, the fun ones and the ones to skip.

To learn which must have safety features you should seriously consider in your next vehicle and which fun options might be right for you, read on.

12/5/2018 | Lifestyle

Winterize Your Home

When the wind turns bitterly cold, take a bite out of your gas bill. Instead of cranking up the heat, try keeping the warmth in by properly winterizing your home. Here are some easy ways:

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12/3/2018 | Lifestyle

Can You Put a Cap on Your Holiday Shopping?

Most of us will make multiple trips to the mall in preparation for the holidays. Don’t want to spend this coming January and February paying for your December shopping? Here’s how to watch the buck while cruising the aisles with thousands of fellow holiday shoppers:

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11/19/2018 | Lifestyle

5 Must Have Gadgets for College Students

You’ve already got your laptop, tablet and, of course, your smartphone. What more can you need for college? Check out our list of 5 super-convenient gadgets that every college student should know about.

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11/7/2018 | Lifestyle

5 Ways Retailers Influence Our Spending

Retailers have one goal: to get you to spend more. And they have lots of tricks to make that happen. Learn how to spot these marketing tactics and make smarter decisions when shopping.    

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10/4/2018 | Lifestyle

Do I Still Need a Landline?

Wondering if you should keep your landline? Landlines are quite outdated, but, before cutting the wire, read up on the main reasons people cling to their landlines, and why some of those reasons may not actually matter. 

1. Communication during emergencies 

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9/24/2018 | Lifestyle

6 Times a Bargain is Not a Bargain

Here’s when that steal of a deal is not such a bargain after all. 

1. When you don’t need it

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9/12/2018 | Finances

8 Reasons to Create a Monthly Budget

Not sure what you’ll gain by budgeting? Here’s a list of the benefits.

  1. You’ll spend less.

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8/21/2018 | Finances

Book Review: Financially Ever After

It’s almost impossible to find two people who have identical approaches toward money management. We all have our own ideas about spending, budgeting and saving. What one person calls being cheap, another calls being frugal, and yet a third will call total deprivation.

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8/15/2018 | Lifestyle

Back to School Shopping Hacks

Save big this season with our handy list of back-to-school shopping hacks! 

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7/25/2018 | Lifestyle

Student Discounts You Can Use

Between astronomical tuition bills, piles of textbooks to purchase, foods costs and supplies, being a college student is definitely not cheap.

Lucky for you, there are loads of companies out there that think you deserve a budgeting break.

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7/12/2018 | Lifestyle

What Kind of Boat Should You Buy

Are you ready to feel the lake or sea water spray on your face on a warm summer day?

Before you become a proud boat owner, you’ll need to choose what kind of boat you want to buy.

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7/11/2018 | Lifestyle

9 Ways to Enjoy Summer on a Budget

Looking to have some fun this summer without breaking the bank? Here are some ideas!

1. Check out neighborhood business freebies. This includes shows, demonstrations and activities that local businesses host to generate summer traffic.

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7/3/2018 | Finances

How to Save For a Boat

Ready to make waves without sinking your budget? Here’s eight simple steps to save up for the boat of your dreams. 

1.) Do your research 

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6/21/2018 | Finances

5 Ways to Budget For Your Wedding

Are you ready to tie the knot, but don’t know if you can afford a wedding? You don’t need to skimp on the wedding of your dreams or go deeply into debt to pay for it. By planning ahead, choosing wisely and prioritizing what’s truly important, you can say “I Do”  without stressing over wedding costs. 

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6/14/2018 | Education

Daily Worth

If you’re a young parent trying to make sense of the stock market in between grocery shopping and PTA meetings, you likely don’t have the time or headspace for the in-depth articles on sites like Investopedia and Bankrate. And yet, mommy-brain notwithstanding, you don’t feel comfortable plunking down your money without first reading up on your investment of choice. 

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6/12/2018 | Finances

Don't Drink Your Wallet Dry

It’s hot out, so make sure you’re drinking up!  

You probably already know water is the best beverage choice for your health and for your money. But did you know bottled water may be costing you a fortune? 

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6/7/2018 | Finances

Your Personal RV Buying Guide

It’s vacation time! Nothing beats a summertime road trip, but long hours in the car can really kill a vacation. That’s the beauty of recreational vehicles. The road IS the destination; anywhere you go, you’ve got luxury-class accommodations!

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6/6/2018 | Finances

4 Ways to Bring Your Dream Kitchen to Life

A kitchen remodel or makeover not only adds value to your home, it will almost feel like you’ve got a new home. Here’s 4 ways to bring your dream kitchen to life. 

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5/24/2018 | Lifestyle

13 Grilling Hacks for Your Summer BBQs

Whether you use a modest charcoal grill or an upscale Weber, we’ve got your BBQ success covered! Here’s 13 genius grilling hacks that will take your ‘cue to the next level. 

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5/16/2018 | Finances

How to Fund An Emergency

When it comes to financial emergencies, ideally you will have an emergency fund tucked away for this very reason. If you don’t, or the money you have set aside isn’t enough, you have several options to consider. 

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5/15/2018 | Education

5 Things You Can Do Today To Help Your Future

Your primary reason for attending college is to jumpstart your career, of course. But, did you know there are many other things you can do now to help secure your future?

Here are just 5 things you can do today that will improve your after-college life:

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5/7/2018 | Lifestyle

Saving on Mother's Day

It’s wonderful to show your love and appreciation for your mother, especially on Mother's Day, but you don’t need to blow your budget to make that happen.

Here are some low-cost ways to show Mom how much you care.

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5/2/2018 | Finances

7 Ways to Spring Clean for Extra Cash

When that first delightful spring breeze starts blowing, you know it’s time to get your house in shape.

The warmer weather and the brilliant sunshine pouring through your windows can fill you with boundless energy.

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4/3/2018 | Education

Teaching Your Kids Saving Smarts

For the responsible adult who thinks about being prepared for the future, savings are a fixed expense that is built into the monthly budget just like car payments and insurance.

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3/28/2018 | Lifestyle

15 Tricks to Sell Your Home Quickly

Spring is in the air! And aside for the hum of lawnmowers, newly bloomed flowers and the chime of the ice cream truck, spring means the chance at a fresh start in a fresh, new home. 

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3/20/2018 | Lifestyle

Energy Saving Tips - What To Look For When Buying New Appliances

Ecologists are always searching for ways to save our environment. Focusing on energy-efficient appliances is one aspect of this endeavor.

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2/21/2018 | Finances

How to Talk Money with Your Partner

What happens when you and your partner have different approaches toward money?

It’s a common scenario.

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1/24/2018 | Education

The Brain/Money Connection

We know that stress impacts our health in various ways, but did you know the brain is also physically affected by stress? Neuroscientists at the University of California, Berkeley, have found that chronic stress triggers long-term changes in brain structure and function. And nothing spells stress like money dilemmas!

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12/13/2017 | Lifestyle

Surviving the Holidays With Your Sanity Intact

With crowded stores and an ever-growing list of people to shop for, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and to overspend on your holiday shopping. No worries, though; we’ve got you covered! Read on for pre-and post-holiday tips and have yourself a jolly December without breaking the bank.

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11/14/2017 | Education

The iPhone X and Decoy Pricing

Retailers often manipulate our spending habits. For instance, every time you shop, your choices are likely influenced by pricing tactics like BOGO, anchoring and high-end pricing.

And then there’s the tactic favored by Apple: decoy pricing.

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10/23/2017 | Finances

7 Ways to Save on Thanksgiving Costs

Between your turkey, ingredients for the holiday meal and décor to set the ambiance, hosting a Thanksgiving dinner is not cheap. If you’re looking for ways to cut back without compromising on quality, read on for seven easy ways to save on Thanksgiving costs this year. 

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8/17/2017 | Lifestyle

Financial Tips For Single Parents

Single parenting brings unique budgeting challenges.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture reports that it costs an estimated $241,080 for a middle-income couple to raise a child to age 18 – and many single parents shoulder that responsibility alone. 

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8/13/2017 | Lifestyle

12 Back-To-School Savings Tips

Like most people, we’re sure you want to get through the back-to-school season without spending a small fortune.  Back-to-school time is the second largest shopping season of the year. If all that spending makes your head pound, take heart. Sharon Credit Union has your back! 

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8/1/2017 | Lifestyle

6 Ways To Save On Your Summer Vacation

The open road is calling and your dream vacation awaits! But first, you need to work out the financial details. How are you going to pay for your getaway?

Ideally, a plump vacation fund is the way to go.

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7/25/2017 | Lifestyle

Save Money While Vacationing Abroad

Exploring foreign shores and dining on exotic fare are what make up many dream vacations. But when you suspect a money changer has taken you for a ride or you’ve busted your budget after only two days, it can quickly become a nightmare. 

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7/20/2017 | Lifestyle

Newlyweds: Don’t Let Financial Stress Take The Cake

Of all the things to discuss before marriage, finances are the least exciting. Statistically, money is the top reason couples argue and financial arguments are among the top predictors of divorce.

So, how can you avoid becoming a statistic? Here are some ideas from the experts:

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6/28/2017 | Lifestyle

8 Ways To Save On A Vacation

Just because you’re going on vacation, that doesn’t mean your budget has to take a hike. Use these tips to save big and still have a wonderful vacation!

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6/16/2017 | Lifestyle

20 Ways To Celebrate Father's Day -- Without Breaking The Bank

We all want to show our dads that we care on Father’s Day. Many people panic and run straight for the ties. But unless your father is a necktie aficionado and you can land him the rarest of rare finds in men’s fashion, you may want to consider something else that shows how well you know and appreciate your dad.

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6/6/2017 | Lifestyle

6 Springtime Gardening Tips

There’s nothing quite like a garden in full bloom, but all that beauty takes work. 

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5/23/2017 | Lifestyle

Top 7 Home Improvements You Can Do Yourself With A Little Help From Sharon Credit Union

Consider these great home improvement ideas that you can do yourself!

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5/4/2017 | Lifestyle

How To Get A Summer Job: A Guide For Students Of All Ages

It’s wise to start thinking about summer work now.

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5/3/2017 | Lifestyle

Mother's Day on a Budget

Along with the blooming flowers and blazing sunshine comes the plans for celebrating Mother’s Day.

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4/15/2017 | Lifestyle

11 Ways To Scale Back On Food Costs

Are you looking to cut back on food costs? 

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3/28/2017 | Lifestyle

Safety First: 4 Ways To Prepare For Hurricane Season

Here are 4 ways to prepare for hurricane season.

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3/21/2017 | Lifestyle

4 Quick Tips When It Comes To Paying Your Wedding Bill

In a perfect world, you already have all the money you need saved in the bank.

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3/14/2017 | Lifestyle

5 Ways To Save On The Cost Of Your Wedding Day

If you’re tying the knot this year, read on for five ways to save on the cost of your big day!

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2/21/2017 | Lifestyle

5 Tips For Saving On A New Computer

Here are some tips on how you can save on your purchase.

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2/13/2017 | Lifestyle

5 Tips To Keep Your Wallet Insulated From Winter Heating Costs

Unfortunately, keeping a home warm isn’t cheap; monthly heating costs can easily reach $300.  

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1/26/2017 | Lifestyle

4 Tricks To Cutting Your Property Tax Bill

If you want to cut your property tax bill, try these four tricks.

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12/27/2016 | Lifestyle

7 New Year's Resolutions For A Richer 2017

Check out these seven ways to make 2017 the year of the dollar!

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12/14/2016 | Lifestyle

How To Be The Host With The Most Without Draining Your Account

Try these 3 handy tips to save on expenses.

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12/8/2016 | Lifestyle

Going From New Homeowner To Happy Home: Tips For Recent Homebuyers

Check out these common homeowner situations.

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12/7/2016 | Lifestyle

How Not To Bust Your Holiday Budget

There’s a better way, and it’s simple.

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11/30/2016 | Lifestyle

Make The Nice List With Your Credit Card Use

Stay on the right list, and avoid smudges on your credit report!

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10/17/2016 | Lifestyle

Bring Back The Brown Bag: Saving Money On Lunch The Old-Fashioned Way

Here are three tips to jump-start your new lunch habit!

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9/13/2016 | Lifestyle

4 Meal Planning Tips That Can Save You Hundreds

Meal planning is a simple and effective way to save a lot of money each month.

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